Ronfard, S., Nelson, L., Dunham, Y., & Blake, P. R. (2018).How children use accuracy information to infer informant intentions and to make reward decisions. Journal of Experimental Child...
Corriveau, K.H., Ronfard, S., & Cui, Y.K. (2017).Cognitive mechanisms associated with children's selective teaching. Review of Philosophy and Psychology. Advance online publication....
Ronfard, S., Bartz, D., Cheng, L., Chen, X., & Harris, P.L. (2017). Children’s developing ideas about knowledge and its acquisition. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. Advance online publication....
Harris, P.L., Ronfard, S., & Bartz, D. (2016).Young children’s developing conception of knowledge and ignorance: Work in progress. European Journal of Developmental Psychology....
Ronfard, S., & Corriveau, K.H. (2016).Teaching and preschooler’s ability to infer knowledge from mistakes. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 150, 87-98. doi:...
Harris, P.L., de Rosnay, M., & Ronfard, S. (2014).The mysterious emotional life of Little Red Riding Hood. In. K. H. Lagattuta (Ed.). New Insights into Developmental Affective Science...
Ronfard, S., & Harris, P. L. (2014).When will Little Red Riding Hood become scared? Children's attribution of mental states to a story character. Developmental Psychology,...