September 10, 2024: Welcoming new Research Assistant!We're very excited to announce that Giulia Nuvoloni, an undergraduate U of T student has joined our lab as Research Assistant! We are...
September 4, 2024: Welcoming the Lab's New Postdoctoral fellow!We're very excited to announce that we are being joined by our new postdoctoral fellow, Kirsten Blakey. As a graduate from the University...
August 18, 2024: Welcoming new Research Assistant!We're very excited to announce that Karl Aquino, an undergraduate U of T student has joined our lab as Research Assistant! We are very...
Sacchi A., Sah J., Finlay M., & Starmans C.Forever young: The end of history illusion in children. Cognition. Exciting news: Alexa Sacchi, a...
Ransom, A., Ruggeri, A., & Ronfard, S. (2024)When is it appropriate to ask a question? The role of age, social context, and personality. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,...
Bhatti, D., Lane, J. D., & Ronfard, S. (2024)Updating Trust: How children combine trait information with prior accuracy as they interact with an informant. Developmental Psychology....