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Hermansen, T. K., Mathisen, K. F., & Ronfard, S. (2024)
When children can explain why they believe a claim, they suggest a better empirical test for that claim. R. Soc. Open Sci. 11: 241875....

Özkan, F. E., Ronfard, S., Aydın, Ç., & Köymen, B. (2024)
Turkish- and English-speaking 3-year-old children are sensitive to the evidential strength of claims when revising their beliefs. ...

Bhatti, D., Lane, J. D., & Ronfard, S. (2024)
Updating Trust: How children combine trait information with prior accuracy as they interact with an informant. Developmental Psychology....

Cottrell, S., Torres, E., Harris, P.L., & Ronfard, S. (2022).
Older children verify adult claims because they are skeptical of those claims. Child Development. doi: 10.1111/cdev.13847 Click here to...

Ronfard, S., Chen, E. E., & Harris, P. L. (2021).
Testing what you’re told: Young children’s empirical investigation of a surprising claim. Journal of Cognition and Development. doi:...

Hermansen, T. K., Ronfard, S., Harris, P. L., Pons, F., & Zambrana, I. M. (2021).
Young children update their trust in an informant’s claim when experience tells them otherwise. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,...

Ronfard, S., Ünlütabak, B., Bazhydai, M., Nicolopoulou, A., & Harris, P. L. (2020).
Preschoolers in Belarus and Turkey accept an adult’s counterintuitive claim and do not spontaneously seek evidence to test that claim....

Ronfard, S., & Lane, J. D. (2019).
Children's and adults’ epistemic trust in and impressions of inaccurate informants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Advance...

Ronfard, S., Chen, E. E., & Harris, P. L. (2018).
The emergence of the empirical stance: Children's testing of counterintuitive claims. Developmental psychology. Click here to read the...

Ronfard, S., Nelson, L., Dunham, Y., & Blake, P. R. (2018).
How children use accuracy information to infer informant intentions and to make reward decisions. Journal of Experimental Child...

Ronfard, S., & Lane, J. D. (2017).
Preschoolers continually adjust their epistemic trust based on an informant’s ongoing accuracy. Child Development. Advance online...

Lane, J. D., Ronfard, S., & El-Sherif, D. (2017).
The influence of first-hand-testimony and hearsay on children’s belief in the improbable. Child Development. Advance online publication....

Ronfard, S., Lane, J.D., Wang, M., & Harris, P.L. (2017).
The impact of counter-perceptual testimony on children's categorization after a delay. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Advance...

Ronfard, S., *Was, A. M., & Harris, P. L. (2016).
Children teach methods they could not discover for themselves. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 142, 107-117. doi:...
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